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IMPORTANT QUESTIONS What did Salerino say commenting on the parting of Bassanio and Antonio? What did Bassanio say later commenting on ...

Friday 2 March 2018

The Technique of Writing Merchant of Venice Answers


Why does Grantiano want to ‘play the fool’?
What does he want to do in this regard?
Whom does he refer to as ‘a sort of men’?
What is his advice to Bassanio, urging him to give up his depression?
What does Bassanio say about him later?
Ans: When Antonio tells Gratioano that everybody has a role to play on the stage of life and the role assigned to him is a sad one, Gratiano makes the comment saying that he wants to play the role of a jester full of fun and enjoyment.
Stressing the kind of life he wants to live as a fool, he says that he will continue to drink and be merry, ignoring the risk of his liver being inflamed till ripe old age when his face will be marred by wrinkles. He says that he does not want to let out painful groans and show irritability. He says further that he does not want to remain in a state of stupor in his wakeful state like the statue of a grandfather cut in marble.
He tells Antonio that there is a kind of people whose faces resemble a stationary pool covered with scum. In his opinion, such people adopt such an expression in order to be regarded as being serious. They pretend as if they have prophetic seriousness in their speeches and would like no one to open his mouth when they speak. But Gratiano maintains that if these hollow people really speak they will only make their fellow brothers guilty by making them call them fools for their utter nonsense. He advises him that he should not use the bait of melancholy to catch the cheap fish of popularity.
After Gratiano has left, Bassanio comments on the nonsensical content of his talk. According to Bassanio there is no one in Venice talking as much nonsense as Gratiano. According to him, sense in Gratiano’s talk can be compared to grains to be found in two bushels of chaff after a thorough search and by the time it is found it is not worth the search.

Mark you but that!
In both my eyes he doubly sees himself;
In each eye, one: swear by your double self,
And there’s is an oath of credit.
Q. In what context does Portia say so? How does Portia interpret the comment of her husband?
Who does Portia just welcome?
What does the person tell Portia standing by his friend?
What news does Portia give to others in general and Antonio in particular?
What does Nerissa tell Lorenzo by way of giving him a piece of news? How does Lorenzo react to it?
Bassanio tells Portia that it was under compulsion that he had to part with the ring and give it away to the clerk of the judge. When he further wants to prove his integrity by swearing by both her eyes in the hearing of his friends that he sees himself reflected in them, Portia makes the above comment.
Portia with her essential sense of humour interprets the comment of her husband in a literal manner. She says that when her husband swears that he sees himself reflected in both her eyes, it can be taken to mean that he sees himself double and by virtue of that he can be said to be swearing as two men at the same time. According to her if this is put that way he will appear to be a man of double standards. By making such a comment she only increases Bassanio’s sense of embarrassment.
Despite the exchange of words with her husband, Portia has not forgotten her sense of hospitality and has just welcomed Antonio who has accompanied Bassanio to the house.
Portia produces a letter and wants it to be read at free time. She says that the letter has come from Bellario in Padua. She adds the contents of the letter will disclose the fact that she herself was the doctor of law at the court and Nerissa was her clerk. She highlights the fact that it will be attested by Lorenzo himself that she and Nerissa set out as soon as Bassanio and Gratiano left. In support of this statement she says that she has not entered the house yet.
Nerissa says that she has a deed of gift to be given to Lorenzo and Jessca from the rich Jew Shylock. She says that she is heartily inclined to give it to them without charging a fee for this service. She spells out that according to this deed of gift they will inherit everything in the possession of the Jew after his death.
Lorenzo welcomes this in a state of jubilation and compares it to ‘manna’, the heavenly food that was made available to Jews by God when they were in a state of starvation.

Saturday 22 July 2017

ENGLISHWISE : Bangle Sellers

ENGLISHWISE : Bangle Sellers: Sarojini Naidu in her characteristic style highlights the different stages in the lives of the women of India through one of the mos...

Friday 21 July 2017

Bangle Sellers

Sarojini Naidu in her characteristic style highlights the different stages in the lives of the women of India through one of the most important items of their embellishment- bangles worn by them on different occasions. Ever taking a delightful interest in the culture and traditions of the motherland she wants to touch on the different aspects of national life. Such themes of relating to the different aspects of Indian life abound in her poems. The theme featuring in the poem bangle sellers is that of bangles associated with the women of the country in their different stages of life vibrant with their joys and sorrows.

In the opening stanza of the poem the poet introduces a group of bangle sellers on their way to the village fair where they intend to sell their wares- bangles. One of the bangle sellers representing others in the group is noisy in the trade call and lets people know about the wares they are carrying to the fair. As the bangle sellers move on one of them shouts, letting people know about their identity of being bangle sellers and their wares such as bangles which they refer to as ‘shining loads’ being carried by them. They want to attract the attention of prospective customers by highlighting the uniqueness of the bangles being carried by them. They want to know who would like to buy their delicate bangles, radiating various colors of joy and happiness. The circles of light that the bangles in their possession radiate have been compared to the different colours of the rainbow. The bangle sellers know for whom the bangles are meant and the symbolisms associated with them. They become specific and say that the bangles are the bright tokens of vibrant lives of women such as unmarried girls and mothers. Bangles are worn by Indian women on different occasions, each having a significance of its own.

The bangle sellers are not mere sellers of the bangles they are carrying but also familiar with the moods of the women synonymous with the bangles they will wear. Such insight into the significance of the different colours of the bangles becomes vivid when they speak about the use of bangles by women in an allegorical manner. Keeping in mind the mood of the young girls yet to be married, they say that some of the bangles suitable for the wrists of young girls are of the combination of the colours of silver and blue like the mist enveloping a mountain. Some of the bangles have the colour of pink associated with the shyness of a girl having her dormant desires comparable to the some buds sleeping on the bank of a woodland stream. Some of the bangles have the glowing colour of the blooming flowers that glorify the birth of some of new leaves.
The bangle seller now highlights the colour of some bangles suitable for a bride to be married on the same day. Some of the bangles befitting such a bride are of the yellow colour of corn fields bathed in sun light. This colour of the fields of corn bathed in sun light is indicative of the fertility of Nature. According to one of the bangle sellers, the glowing colour of some of the bangles comparable to the reddish yellow colour of the sacred marriage fire that is lit at the time the marriage being solemnized. According to the Hindu traditional custom prevalent in the country, the bride and the bridegroom are required to take seven rounds of the holy fire, muttering their oaths to preserve the holiness of the new marital relationship or this colour of the bangles is enriched with the colour of the desires cherished by the heart of the bride. The tinkling sounds made by the bangles when they are shaken together with their brightness, tenderness and clarity can be compared to the laughter, that is, the happiness of the bride and her tears, that is, her sorrow. The bride breaks into the vivacity of her laughter as she realizes that her wedding has given her a sense of fulfillment in her right as a woman. But when the time to depart from the parental home comes to live at the house of the in-laws, bidding farewell to her parents and her siblings, she becomes heavy with sadness and her sorrow finds expression in her tears.

Now the representative voice of the bangle sellers highlights the type of bangles meant for middle aged women. These bangles are enriched with the colours of purple and grey for the mature woman who has already completed half of the journey of her life. During this period of her life she has been an epitome of motherly affection, nourishing her children and bringing them up with loving care. At the same time she has discharged her household duties with unfailing commitment, taking the place of glory beside her husband in an ideal relationship. With a great sense of piety (religious feeling) she has ever worshipped the household gods along with her husband.


What do the bangle sellers carry and where are they headed?

The bangles sellers are carrying loads of bangles which they refer to as shining loads. In order to sell their bangles they are on the way to the temple fair.

Why is a temple fair held?

A temple fair is held on an auspicious occasion when a large number of people converge at the temple with the purpose of offering their worship. Then they also take some time off visiting the fair and buying things of their choice.

What do the bangle sellers want their customers to know and how do they convey it?

A group of bangle sellers is on the way to the temple fair to sell bangles to women who are supposed to gather there in a large number. One from the group of bangle sellers shouts, letting people know about the things they are carrying. The trade call of the bangle sellers gives their customers an idea of the wares they are carrying and the symbolical quality of their wares.

What do the bangle sellers say referring to happy daughters and happy wives?

The bangle sellers want to highlight the symbolical significance of the wares they are carrying and convey it through the colours of the bangles being carried by them. One of them says that the bangles radiate myriad circles of colours like the seven colours of a rainbow. According to the bangle seller such bangles having he colours of rainbow are bright tokens of the happiness in the lives of daughters and mothers.

What is the nature of bangles suitable for the writs of unmarried girls?

According to one of the bangle sellers representing others, some of the bangles being carried by them are meant for the wrists of unmarried girls. The colours of the bangles suitable for the wrists of the unmarried girls are of silver and blue, resembling mists enveloping a mountain or hovering over it.
What is said in the poem with reference to the bank of a woodland stream?

According to the bangle sellers being represented by one of them by the trade call, some of the bangles have the colour of pink comparable to some buds dreaming on the bank of a woodland stream while some others have the glowing colour of the blooming flowers glorifying the birth of new leaves.
What are the colours of bangles meant for the bride on the morning of her wedding?

According to the trade call of one of the bangle sellers, some of the bangles suitable for a bride on the morning of her wedding are of the colour of yellow like that of cornfields bathed in sun light. Then there are also some bangles having the reddish yellow colour of the sacred fire that is lit to solemnize the marriage and its vows. The bride and the bride groom are require to take seven rounds of the holy fire, taking their vows of remaining faithful to each other. Alternately the bangles enriched with glowing colour are suggestive of the intensity of the desires cherished by the heart of the bride.

What is the significance of the sentence ‘Like her bridal laughter and bridal tear’? What is the figure of speech used here?

The above sentence occurs in the poem Bangle Sellers written by Sarojini Naidu.
Some of the bangles being carried by the bangle sellers produce tinkling sounds when shaken together. The tinkling sounds with their brightness, tenderness and clarity are suggestive of the sheer happiness of the bride who finds fulfillment in her marriage in her right as a woman. This feeling of happiness of the bride finds expression in her laughter. On the contrary, when the time comes for the bride to take leave of her parents and siblings to depart for the house of the in- laws, her heart is filled with agony on account of the separation from her dearest one and her sorrow finds expression in her tears.
The figure of speech used in the sentence simile.

What are the colours of bangles meant for the middle aged woman? What is she credited with?

One of the bangle sellers representing others in the group shouts that some of the bangles meant for a mature or middle aged woman are of the colours of purple and grey. The colour of grey stands for the maturity of age.

The middle aged woman has already completed half of the journey of her life, fulfilling her duties as a mother and a house wife. She has become an epitome of motherly affection, nourishing her children and brining them up with utmost care. At the same time she has fulfilled all her duties, taking the place of pride beside her husband. At the side of her husband she has ever been sincere in offering her worship to the household gods with a great sense of piety.


Tuesday 14 March 2017

More Suggested Merchant of Venice Questions

What were the two types of men Gratiano referred to while insisting on the quality of cheerfulness?
What did Jessica say bidding farewell to Luncelot? What did launcelot say earlier distinguishing between Bassanio and his master Shylock?
How did Bassanio want Gratiano to behave before allowing him to accompany him to Belmont?
What  was Gratiano’s assurance to Bassanio?
What did Bassanio tell Antonio about his plans related to Portia?
What did Shylock say highlighting the vulnerable aspects of Antonio’s ships and business operations?
What did Antonio say about Shylock when the latter was trying to justify his taking interest by quoting from the scriptures? How did Portia react when Basanio was reading the letter sent by Antonio? What did Bassanio say commenting on the letter and his friend?
What did Portia tell Lorenzo about the uniqueness of friendship and the one that existed between her husband and Antonio?
What did Jessica tell Lorenzo about Portia in her absence?
What did Antonio say about Shylock when the latter was trying to justify his taking interest by quoting from the scriptures?
What does Lorenzo say about Music? How does Jessica react to it? What does Lorenzo tell her?
 What did Portia tell Nerissa about music while returning to Belmont? What did she say asking Jessica to play music earlier in the play?
 What does Portia notice while returning to Belmont and with what does she compare it? What does she say distinguishing between a king and his deputy?

Wednesday 8 March 2017


Shylock will cut one pound of Antonio’s flesh to take revenge. B: If
If shylock will cut one pound of Antonio’s flesh, it is to take revenge.
At the end of the journey they spoke to the traveller about the new place.B: It
It was at the end of the journey that they talked to the traveller about the new place.
3. You will do better to take precaution against the disease that has broken out. Use ‘had’ in the sentence.
You had better take precaution against the disease that has broken out.
4. As soon as Rani reached the place on behalf of a social organization, some people surrounded her. B: No sooner
No sooner did Rani reach the place on behalf of a social organization than some people surrounded her.
5. The exodus of the farmers deepened the nature of the calamity. B: It
It was the exodus of the farmers that deepened the nature of the calamity.
6. You are Dr Jalan’s nephew,………? Rewrite the sentence using a question tag.
You are Dr Jalan’s nephew, aren’t you?
7. We completed the task in six months. B: It did not
It did not take us more than six months to complete the task.
7. The prince signed the papers and disappeared inside the palace. B:  Having
 Having signed the papers the prince disappeared inside the palace.
8. The saint spoke about many thorny issues in a simple way and endeared himself to the local people. B: All
All that the saint did was to speak about many thorny issues in a simple way to endear himself to the local people.
9. The boy stiffened in the presence of the outsiders. B: The presence
The presence of the outsiders stiffened the boy.
10. “What are you doing here, my son?”,said the old man to me. B: The old man
The old man addressed me as his son and asked me what I was doing there.
11. Hard work does not leave them tired. Use the verb form of ‘tired’.
They do not tire of working hard.
12. We helped them in everything but we did not give them indulgence. B: Despite
Despite helping them in everything we did not give them indulgence.
13. A tremor was felt across the hill town and people came out of houses. B: With
With a tremor being felt across the hill town, people came out of their houses.
14. The internal report indicated their growing strength .B: The internal report was
The internal report was an indication of their growing strength.
15. Many innocent people were injured in the clashes. B: The clashes

 The clashes left many people injured.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given in the brackets:

Ravi -----------(hear)  his friends -----------(shout) for him as the match------------(be) about to start. They---------(prepare) for the match for the last three days,---------(sharpen) their skills. The coach-------(tell) them repeatedly that besides their skills, their dedication to the match-----------(help) them win.
A group of scientists----------(work) on the project for a couple of months now. According to an advertisement---------------(issue) by the district administration, the project------------(be)------------(relate) to farming and ---------------(seek) the participation of the local people. Some employees of the local administration-----------------(go) door to door-------------(tell) people about the project and (urge) them to participate in it.

The traveller-------(look) back---------(wait) for his companions to join him. They--------------(tell) by some local people that they----------------(reach) the old shrine------------(trudge) up the hill for a couple of hours. Though he---------(feel) exhausted, he------------(remind) of the resolve of the team to-------------(visit) the old shrine and-------(return) on the same day.

Had they not-------(get )the support of the local club, they --------------(not save) the old banyan tree in the locality. Under the leadership of the brave young members of the local club, the residents of the neighbourhood----------(get) together on a common  platform and---------(succeed) in saving the tree. On the day the realtor----------(give) a written undertaking to the effect that he----------(go) ahead with his construction,-----------(leave) the tree intact, people-----------(celebrate) their victory,----------(recite) poems---------(dedicate) to one of the pillars of green life. 

Imagine yourself as a midnight train and write about your feelings.

It is close to midnight and I am cruising along the tracks, shattering the stillness of the night. I am bound for Delhi and would have to reach the capital at the crack of dawn. There is no time to waste. The thrill of my onward journey helps me overcome my limitations, reminding me of the task at hand. I would have to reach all of my guests that they refer to as passengers, to their destinations. Most of them are now asleep except for some insomniacs. A few of them go to toilets every now and then to smoke throwing dust in the eyes of the guards as they know that smoking is forbidden on the train. When one or two are caught they end up paying money to the guards who know the technique of extorting money from them by intimidating them.
My body is aching from the journey of the entire day but I cannot complain as I know that there is no respite until I have reached my guests to their destinations. It is a responsibility that I have to shoulder every time I begin the journey. I will still have to traverse a long distance, completing the journey. I remain in a very wakeful state and keep racing along the tracks, never complaining of tedium.
I relieve myself of the strain of the journey by listening to the tale of a mother to her child who refuses to sleep.  The demon in her story is crouching near their berth, ready to pounce on him if he does not enjoy a few winks of sleep. I feel happy that I have a companion when I am awake.
Along the entire stretch of the journey when I reach te
Temurpalli in Bengal I become emotional. My eyes caress the vision of a wizened woman sitting on the porch of her small hut at the end of a vegetable patch a little down the tracks. Some people from that place have often boarded the train and given a free reign to their emotions pertaining to the old woman. I have gathered from their conversations that she sits there throughout the night lighting a lamp, waiting for the return of her husband. Even though her husband was killed while fighting against some terrorists in Kashmir, she believes that he will come back at the dead of night to give her a surprise.  

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